Word to the Wise: How the oil and gas industry can adapt to today’s challenges

September 24, 2019

For this week’s article, we thought we’d share with you some of the ideas we took away from the 2019 […]

Word to the Wise: How to manage drilling budgets, mitigate risks, and reduce NPT

September 17, 2019

It’s no secret that drilling activity throughout the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) is down and has been for a […]

Word to the Wise: September 2019 Expiring Land Report

September 10, 2019

Every few months, we like to take a look at expiring land because it can provide useful business development intel […]

Word to the Wise: Why you need to pay attention to your non-operated retirement liabilities, and how to do it

September 3, 2019

Asset Retirement Obligations (ARO) only pertain to the operators of wells and facilities, right? Wrong! Each week, XI Technologies scans […]

Word to the Wise: Drilling top tens for the first half of 2019

August 27, 2019

It’s time for XI Technologies’ bi-annual look into our data to showcase the drilling successes in the Western Canadian Sedimentary […]

Word to the Wise: How the scheduling and discounting of liabilities affects end of life cost estimates

August 20, 2019

Our final blog in this five part series of LLR vs ARO looks at the impact of scheduling and discounting. […]

Word to the Wise: How working interest can affect the accuracy of LLR and ARO estimates

August 13, 2019

If you operate or are looking to acquire a stake in a working interest asset, your ARO calculations might not […]

Word to the Wise: Over-licensed facilities can affect your licensee liability rating and ARO

August 6, 2019

Many assume that actual ARO will always be higher than LLR, but that isn’t always the case. Each week, XI […]

Word to the Wise: Understanding the reclamation cost discrepancies between LLR and ARO

July 30, 2019

Today, let’s look at how well reclamation costs are typically the largest discrepancy between deemed liability values and ARO costs. […]

Word to the Wise: Why using LLR can cause inaccurate abandonment cost estimates

July 23, 2019

The Alberta Energy Regulator’s Licensee Liability Rating (LLR) Directive 011 deemed liability values are the most commonly accepted measure of […]