Word to the Wise: Sour Gas Hot Spots

August 22, 2023

Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]

Word to the Wise:  LLR, M&A, and H2S Sour Gas – our Top 3 Articles of the past year

August 15, 2023

Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]

Word to the Wise: Why data isn’t enough for the pre-licensing and drill planning process

July 11, 2023

Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]

Word to the Wise: Saskatchewan’s Methane Reduction Plan – A Province-led Success Story.

May 9, 2023

Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]

Word to the Wise: Challenges in H2S release rate compliance

November 21, 2022

While the importance of regulatory compliance is widely understood, confidently navigating those regulations is a whole other ball game.

XI Chats: The Do’s and Don’ts of H2S Release Rate Assessments

November 14, 2022

Drilling season is here. Don’t miss out on a chance to learn H2S release rate assessments from an expert with […]

Get ready for drilling season with simplified licensing research

September 21, 2022

XI Technologies helps expedite drilling programs with software applications that simplify the pre-drill licensing process and accelerate research.

Word to the Wise: Mapping Alberta’s sour gas for H2S release rate assessments

August 16, 2022

A look into the prevalence of sour gas wells in Alberta.

Before you can ramp up drilling, you need to ramp up pre-license applications

February 15, 2022

Are you challenged by the various applications and directives necessary for obtaining drilling licenses?

Word to the Wise: What you need to know about the new Licensee Capability Assessment in Directive 088

January 11, 2022

Examining the AER’s new Liability Management Framework in Directive 088: Licensee Life-Cycle Management.