Word to the Wise: Adopting a WDM Approach for Liabilities

July 17, 2019

This week we look at a new, more streamlined way to manage oil and gas environmental liabilities. Each week, XI […]

Word to the Wise: Alberta's IWCP is decreasing non-compliant well counts by nearly 40 per cent

July 2, 2019

Alberta operators are making significant efforts to ensure compliance with provincial standards for suspended or inactive wells. Each week, XI […]

Word to the Wise: BC's mandatory closure laws will force companies to spend up to $64 million on abandonments in the next 2.5 years

June 25, 2019

The announcement of new Dormancy and Shutdown Regulation and Comprehensive Liability Management Plan (CLMP) legislation, effective May 31, 2019, will […]

Word to the Wise: BC's new mandatory closure timelines will keep companies hopping to meet first quota in 2021

June 18, 2019

In a move that other western Canadian provinces will be watching and likely echoing, the BC Oil and Gas Commission […]

Word to the Wise: Bank redeterminations now include a detailed ARO component - are you ready?

June 11, 2019

Redetermination of bank credit facilities is an annual or semi-annual exercise that almost all E&P companies have become used to. […]

Word to the Wise: Decommissioning could be an opportunity for E&P and service companies alike

May 7, 2019

Many thanks to the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) for the visuals in this article. Each week, XI Technologies […]

Word to the Wise: Roundtable on ARO emphasizes need for standardized approach to liability valuation

April 23, 2019

Following is a summary of key points expressed during XI’s April 18 Roundtable on Asset Retirement Obligations. Each week, XI […]

Word to the Wise: Using technology to streamline energy liability management

March 26, 2019

Each week, XI Technologies scans its unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends and insights that have value […]

ARO and A&D – Know when to hold ’em, know when to run

March 5, 2019

For the cautious money that has been sitting on the sidelines these past few years, 2019 may be a year of opportunity. But cautious money being well, cautious, will want to do a full analysis of the potential Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) risks associated with any transaction.

Word to the Wise: Can corporate ARO affect your liability insurance?

February 19, 2019

This week’s Wednesday Word to the Wise is by XI’s QA and Support Specialist, Kathy, who also happens to hold […]