Word to the Wise: Southwest Peace River area drilling overview

November 1, 2022

Drilling activity in the Southwest Peace River region.

Word to the Wise: Provost area overview

July 19, 2022

Drawing on XI Technologies’ enriched industry data to update a few perspectives as to what’s happening in the Provost field.

Word to the Wise: Provost area drilling overview

July 12, 2022

Leveraging XI Technologies’ drilling data to give an overview of drilling trends in the Provost gas field.

Word to the Wise: Pembina/Cardium Drilling Snapshot

June 21, 2022

Leveraging XI Technologies’ drilling data to give an overview of drilling trends in the Pembina formation.

Word to the Wise: Pembina Area Snapshot

May 31, 2022

Drawing on XI Technologies’ enriched industry data to update a few perspectives as to what’s happening in the Pembina play.

Word to the Wise: Montney Drilling Overview

April 26, 2022

Leveraging XI Technologies’ drilling data to give an overview of drilling trends throughout the entire Montney play.

Word to the Wise: Montney Overview

April 12, 2022

Drawing on XI Technologies’ enriched industry data to update a few perspectives as to what’s happening in the Montney play.

Word to the Wise: Blueberry River First Nations Drilling Overview

December 7, 2021

Using our enriched industry data to offer a few insights as to what’s happening in the Blueberry River area from a drilling perspective.