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January 2, 2024
In a landscape teeming with data, the pivotal question on everyone’s mind remains: “Which data holds the key to unlocking […]
December 19, 2023
For years, XI Technologies has been dedicated to sharing knowledge we’ve obtained via our data and research in weekly posts […]
December 12, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]
December 5, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]
November 28, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies scans its unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends and insights that have value […]
November 21, 2023
LCA and Transparency (Part 1) Each week, XI Technologies scans its unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends […]
November 13, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies scans its unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends and insights that have value […]
November 7, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies scans its unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends and insights that have value […]
October 31, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d […]
October 24, 2023
Each week, XI Technologies uncovers trends and insights using our enhanced data and software focused on the WCSB. If you’d like Word to the Wise delivered directly to your inbox, subscribe […]