Word to the Wise: Why data isn’t enough for the pre-licensing and drill planning process

November 9, 2021

While data is a critical component to the pre-licensing and drilling planning process, just as critical is the validation and interpretation of that data.

Word to the Wise: Challenges for Operators in Achieving H2S Regulatory Compliance

August 31, 2021

While the importance of regulatory compliance is widely understood, confidently navigating those regulations is a whole other ball game.

Word to the Wise: Regulatory Refresher – STICK Diagram information

June 22, 2021

Examining the regulations around noncompliant STICK Diagrams that fail to contain all the required information.

Word to the Wise: H2S Release Rate Assessment Regulatory Refresher

May 4, 2021

A brief refresher on existing regulations for those who may find themselves in charge of new drill programs.

Word to the Wise: How to solve the problem of incomplete STICK diagram information

February 6, 2019

In 2018, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) published a list of the “Five Most Common Noncompliances in Ten Inspection Categories”. […]