Word to the Wise: Can corporate ARO affect your liability insurance?

February 19, 2019

This week’s Wednesday Word to the Wise is by XI’s QA and Support Specialist, Kathy, who also happens to hold […]

Word to the Wise: Lack of critical mass could drive junior divestitures in 2019

February 13, 2019

This week’s Wednesday Word to the Wise explores the potential for increased divestiture activity in 2019 as Canadian Juniors deal […]

How raw data becomes XI enhanced data

February 7, 2019

Here at XI, we are very proud of the quality of our data and the applications that our clients value […]

Word to the Wise: How to solve the problem of incomplete STICK diagram information

February 6, 2019

In 2018, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) published a list of the “Five Most Common Noncompliances in Ten Inspection Categories”. […]

Word to the Wise: Potential impacts of the Redwater decision.

January 30, 2019

With a Supreme Court of Canada ruling in the Redwater case anticipated this week, let’s look at what a decision […]

Word to the Wise: How drilling companies can benchmark to win more business

January 23, 2019

In this week’s Word to the Wise, we look at how drilling companies can differentiate themselves by their benchmarking performance […]

Word to the Wise: New estimate pegs oil and gas liabilities at over $59 billion for western provinces.

January 16, 2019

A number of clients have asked if we could utilize XI’s ARO Manager data and cost model to do a […]

Word to the Wise: As many as 239 E&P companies could boost cashflow by almost $0.94/BOE. Is yours one of them?

January 9, 2019

In a recent article, XI Technologies showed that as many as 239 Alberta E&P companies could be eligible for an LMR […]

Word to the Wise: Alberta production curtailment could have unintended negative impacts for smaller producers.

January 2, 2019

Alberta’s mandatory production curtailment includes an exemption for the first 10,000 barrels of oil produced. This measure was intended to […]

Word to the Wise: Alberta licensees may be entitled to millions in LMR Security Deposit refunds

December 19, 2018

For this week’s Word to the Wise, we’ve performed a quick analysis of potential LMR Security Deposit refunds and the […]