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January 11, 2022
Examining the AER’s new Liability Management Framework in Directive 088: Licensee Life-Cycle Management.
December 14, 2021
XI Technologies looks at expiring land because it can provide useful business development intel for service companies and E&Ps alike.
December 7, 2021
Using our enriched industry data to offer a few insights as to what’s happening in the Blueberry River area from a drilling perspective.
November 30, 2021
Examining the acquisition of Storm Resources by CNRL by using XI’s AssetBook software.
November 23, 2021
To capitalize on the recent trend of rising commodity prices, producers need to consider their best course of action: increasing production via drilling or increasing production via acquisition.
November 16, 2021
Using our enriched industry data to offer a few insights as to what’s happening in the Blueberry River area from an oil and gas perspective.
November 9, 2021
While data is a critical component to the pre-licensing and drilling planning process, just as critical is the validation and interpretation of that data.
November 2, 2021
XI Technologies is pleased to offer some high-level summaries of the recent proposed acquisition of Prairie Storm Resources Corp. (“Prairie Storm”) by InPlay Oil Corp (“InPlay”).
October 26, 2021
Each week, XI Technologies scans their unique combination of enhanced industry data to provide trends and insights that have value […]
October 19, 2021
There’s no doubt that these challenging times call for new, innovative, and strategic approaches to business development and sales.