XI’s new AssetBook Production Chain: Wells to Facilities (W2F) module revolutionizes Oil & Gas business development analysis with a few clicks, unlocking a critical assessment piece – where does production flow to after it leaves the well, and what steps does it take on its path to market? The module enables instantaneous dynamic visualization of the production chain, represented as a grid or geographic spider map, offering key insights essential for development and planning.
From over-the-fence scoping, competitor analysis, operatorship and utilization rates, to A&D decision-making and crucial JV considerations, this tool provides a fast, comprehensive solution at your fingertips. Elevate your strategic planning with a seamless and insightful exploration of molecule flow, transforming complex analyses into a streamlined and efficient process, all from within your existing AssetBook workflow.
Key Features:
Understanding and tracing production flows has historically been a complex and time-consuming process. With XI’s Production Chain, effortlessly analyze the full picture of asset flows, relevant infrastructure operators, existing capacities, production flow allotments at facilities, JV impacts, and other critical considerations. Transform messy analyses into a streamlined and powerful tool that can shape the future of business development analysis, A&D deal making and area development planning.
Utilizing AssetBook’s Production Chain: Wells To Facilities (W2F) feature, you can delve into the intricate network of well-to-facility routes, with the aim of identifying processing and market points, for companies, areas, or specific groups of assets. If you’re interested in learning more about AssetBook Productin Chain, be sure to book a demo to learn how to make the difficult look easy.
Demonstrations can be scheduled virtually, at your location, or at our downtown Calgary training facility.