Fueling the Frontier: Canada’s Top 10 Producers of 2024’s First Half

September 10, 2024

Twice a year, XI Technologies reaches into the public data stored in its applications to highlight the top companies who achieved the most successful production from new wells.

To compare these results against previous years, check out our Production Top 10s blog history.

Top operators for “productive” drilling

More important than the number of wells drilled, is the production achieved with those wells. Whitecap Resources ranked first for the first half of 2024, followed by Canadian Natural Resources (CNRL), then Tourmaline in third spot. Arrows indicate how they compare to their ranking from 2023.

Figure 1 – Top Operators for Productive Drilling in first half of 2024

Top operators for new well production

Achieving a high initial production rate can have a significant impact on the overall ROI for a well or drilling program.

In  Figure 2, we’ve looked at IP 90 rates for new gas wells and oil wells drilled in the first half of this year.

Congratulations to Cenovus for topping the list in the Initial Gas Rates category this year, followed by Birchcliff, Insignia, and Cygnet.

Figure 2 – Best Initial Gas Rates for first half of 2024

Which operators achieved the best rates from their best oil wells drilled during the same period? Greenfire is significantly higher than the rest of the field so far for this year.

Figure 3 – Best Initial Oil Rates in 2024

Note: Many operators shown that were NOT listed in the 2023-year end Top 10 list. Since January of 2024, nine new operators have jumped into the Top 10 list for the first half of 2024 for initial gas rates and six for oil rates, respectively.

Top 10 operators for new gas production

Which operators achieved the greatest gas production (in mmcf) from wells drilled in the WCSB in 2024’s first 6 months? Tourmaline remains in top position from the end of 2023 mark. They are followed by Ovintiv Energy. Peyto moved from fifth spot at the end of 2023 up into third place for 2024’s first half.

Figure 4 – Top 10 Gas Producers from New 2024 Wells.

Top 10 operators for new oil production

Which operators has the highest cumulative total oil production (in mbbl) from WCSB wells drilled so far? Baytex is leading slightly over Whitecap from the beginning of 2024. Those two are followed by Cenovus, and CNRL.

Figure 5 – Top 10 Oil Producers from New 2024 Wells

Congratulations to all our WCSB operators and producers. Your commitment to innovative, responsible production helped energize our sector so far for 2024. Here’s hoping for an even more successful second half to 2024!


To compare these results against previous years, check out our Production Top 10s blog history.

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