October 16, 2018
Have you heard some of the good stuff that’s happening in the world of drilling in the WCSB? Likely not. Many of us in the industry scan headlines and keep up as best we can, relying on word of mouth or glances at elevator news screens to give us the news. But while much of the broader media coverage focuses on the many challenges our industry is facing, sometimes it’s good to remember that there are some real successes happening across the WCSB.
At XI we possess unequaled amounts of continually updated drilling data. Most of the time, we’re busy working on new ways to allow you to slice and dice it, analyze it, pull what matters, and fit it all seamlessly into your workflows. But every six months or so, we like to take a few moments to scour our own data and prepare a series of “Top Ten” lists that reflect on the recent drilling and production accomplishments derived through the ingenuity, innovation, and determination of Canadian E&P operators.
In our March 29th Blog, we celebrated the E&P accomplishments of 2017. This time around, we’ve pulled data to show you how the major players have performed in the first half of 2018, and how that compares to the drilling performance that we saw in 2017.
Enjoy! If you’d like to find out how you can put this kind of drilling data to work for you, download a case study, or contact us for a quick demo of Offset Analyst.
Which WCSB operators drilled and achieved production from the most wells in the first half of 2018? As in our 2017 Top Tens roundup published earlier this year, Crescent Point and CNRL continue to hold the top two spots. Arrows indicate other companies who made the 2017 list and whether they moved up or down in the rankings.
Hitting a well with a high initial production rate can have a significant impact on the overall ROI of that well and the whole drilling program.
Which operators got the best IP 90 rates from their gas wells drilled between January and June 2018? Bellatrix was in second place with their 2017 wells, and moved into first with their 2018 wells, while Tourmaline is the only other company listed below which also had a spot as 7th in our 2017 list.
Which operators achieved the best rates from their best oil wells drilled during the same time frame? Stars indicate operators who made our 2017 list. Hammerhead was 8th on our 2017 ranking and has moved up to third with their 2018 wells, while Cenovus moved from 2nd place to 5th. There are a lot of new names on the list this time around. It will be interesting to see how all of these companies finish off the year.
Who drilled gas wells in the first six months of 2018 with the highest initial production rates? According to our data, Tourmaline drilled five of the highest IP gas wells in 2017 and is doing well again this year with four of the top ten spots.
Wondering where these wells are? Contact us and we’ll show you.
In terms of initial production rates for wells drilled in 2017, Cenovus and Seven Generations dominated the top ten. As we look at the numbers for the first half of 2018, we see that Cenovus and Seven Generations are still doing well with 3 wells each in the top ten.
Wondering where these wells are? Contact us and we’ll show you.
Which operators achieved the greatest gas production (in mmcf) from wells drilled in the WCSB in the first half of 2018? Tourmaline holds on to the first spot, continuing the trend from their wells drilled in 2017, while other companies who make repeat appearances this time are Seven Generations, Bellatrix, Encana, Birchcliff, Bonavista, and Peyto.
Which operators added the highest cumulative total oil production (in mbbl) from wells drilled in the WCSB in the first six months of 2018? Crescent Point came up first in our 2017 wells drilled list and continues to procure the highest production from their well drilled in the first half of 2018. The other producers who ranked on last year’s list are Cenovus, Seven Generations, Teine Energy, CNRL, Raging River, Whitecap, and Tamarack Valley. Torxen is new to the list this time.
Congratulations to all our WCSB operators and producers. The last few years have been challenging and difficult for all of us, but the Canadian energy industry continues to exhibit a commitment to innovative, responsible production that rivals that of any producing nation. We will prevail!